Morrow CountyChapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society |
Library Holdings
General: Unpuzzling Your Past by Emily Anne Croom
England: Britain’s Kings and Queens
Welcome to Dover Castle
The Blenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace and Sir Winston Churchill
Scotland: St. Margaret Queen of Scotland and her Chapel
by Lucy Menzies; Ronald A. Knox; Ronald Selby Wright
German: Castles and Palaces on the Rhine between Mainz and Cologne
The Atlantic Bridger to Germany Vol.3 Bavaria (Bayern)by Charles M. Hall
Civil War: Moonstalker, The Adventures of Gen. Sherman’s Drummer Boy by Richard I. Hawk
Maryland: Mayflower Increasings 2nd Edition by Susan E. Roser
New York: Staten Island Church Records, Waldensian Church Stony Brook 1658 By Tobias Alexander Wright
Virginia: Virginia Land Causes Lancaster County: 1795-1848
Northampton County: 1731-1868 By Stratton Nottingham
Pioneer Settlers of Grayson County, Virginia by Benjamin Floyd Nuckools
German New River Settlement 1628-1800 by Rev. U.S.A. Heavener, M.A.
Marriages of Isel of Wight County, Virginia 1628-1800 by Blanche Adams Chapman
Clark County, Ohio: Soldiers of the Revolution (Part I) by Clark County Historical Society
Trumbull County, Ohio: The People of Trumbull County 1800-2000 By Emily L. Varner
Tuscarawas County, Ohio: A Brief History of Tuscarawas County, Ohio by Supt. J.M. Richardson
Richland County, Ohio: Plat Book 1992 By Mercury Publishing Company
Native American: The Miami Indians of Indiana – A Persistent People 1654-1994 by Stewart Rafert
African-American: North Carolina Slaves –Free Persons of Color, McDowell County By William L. Byrd III and John H. Smith
Resource Book: Ancestors of American Presidents by Gary Boyd Roberts
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