Morrow 1850 census index (partial)
Morrow County 1850 Census Surname Index
Surname/Given Name/Age/Township Abbreviation/Sheet Number
(Note: the "a" or "b" indication is not always accurate)
Tip: for a "quick find" use Control + F and then enter name
Place Ann (28)                                              WF 4b
Place Anna (37)                                             WF 8a
Place Anson (41)                                            WF 4b
Place Barbara (11)                                          WF 5a
Place Bendford (3)                                          WF 4b
Place Charity (37)                                          WF 8a
Place Elizabeth (33)                                       WF 17a
Place Ethan (39)                                            WF 8a
Place Francis (21)                                        SB 532b
Place H.A. (6)                                              WF 4b
Place Henrietta (9)                                         WF 8a
Place Irene (45)                                           BE 49b
Place J.H. (11)                                             WF 8a
Place J.L. (10)                                             WF 4b
Place J.W. (14)                                             WF 8a
Place Jane (19)                                            BE 54b
Place John (45)                                             WF 8a
Place Livonia (14)                                          WF 8a
Place M.M. (8)                                              WF 8a
Place M.M. (8)                                              WF 4b
Place Marietta (4/12)                                       WF 8a
Place Reuben (17)                                         SB 529b
Place Reuben (17)                                          BE 49b
Place Richard (9)                                          BE 49b
Place Rosannah (14)                                        BE 49b
Place Samuel (15)                                          BE 49b
Place Sarah (16)                                            WF 8a
Place Susan (4)                                            BE 49b
Place W.O. (6)                                              WF 8a
Plaster Adessa M. (2)                                     NB 403a
Plaster Asenath (4)                                       NB 403a
Plaster Elizabeth (44)                                    NB 402b
Plaster George (13)                                       NB 402b
Plaster George (46)                                       NB 402b
Plaster Henry (6)                                         NB 403a
Plaster James (11)                                        NB 402b
Plaster John (17)                                         NB 402b
Plaster Mary E. (4/12)                                    NB 403a
Plaster Susan (18)                                        NB 402b
Plaster William (8)                                       NB 403a
Platt Adelia (46)                                          BE 52b
Platt Albert (8)                                           BE 42b
Platt Betsy (35)                                           BE 51b
Platt Eleanor (3)                                          BE 42b
Platt Eli (39)                                             BE 42b
Platt Eli (9)                                              BE 52b
Platt Elizabeth (32)                                       BE 42b
Platt Harvey (7/12)                                        BE 51b
Platt Harvey (22)                                          BE 52b
Platt Horner (56)                                          BE 52b
Platt John (17)                                            BE 52b
Platt Jurah (1)                                            BE 42b
Platt Lemuel (11)                                          BE 52b
Platt Levi (45)                                            BE 51b
Platt Lyman (25)                                           BE 52b
Platt Mary (7)                                             BE 52b
Platt Randall (19)                                         BE 52b
Platt Sarah (14)                                           BE 52b
Pletcher Emma (2)                                         GL 503b
Pletcher James (4)                                        GL 503b
Pletcher Mary (10)                                        GL 503b
Pletcher Naim (31)                                        GL 503b
Pletcher Nancy (30)                                       GL 503b
Pletcher Sarah (11)                                       GL 503b
Plotner Christian (40)                                    NB 400a
Plotner Frederick (62)                                    NB 400a
Plotner William (38)                                      NB 400a
Plumb Genius (17)                                         PR 432a
Plumb James H. (37)                                       PR 432a
Plumb Lewis (10)                                          PR 432a
Plumb Loretta (14)                                        PR 432a
Plumb Mary (38)                                           PR 432a
Plumb Nathan (6)                                          PR 432a
Plumb Thomas (2)                                          PR 432a
Plumb Zenas (2)                                           PR 432a
Plummer J. B. (44)                                        CH 438a
Plummer Thomas (15)                                        BE 44b
PUock Isaac (29)                                           PU 59a
Poe Andrew (23)                                           GL 512b
Poff David (45)                                           CG 474a
Poff Eliza (37)                                           CG 474a
Poff Elizabeth (8)                                        CG 474a
Poff John (14)                                            CG 474a
Poff Margaret (10)                                        CG 474a
Poff Nancy (15)                                           CG 474a
Poff Nehemiah (5)                                         CG 474a
Poff Rebecca (11)                                         CG 474a
Poland Alexandrian (5)                                    TR 420a
Poland Caroline (19)                                      TR 419a
Poland David (22)                                         GL 507b
Poland Hannah J. (4)                                      TR 420a
Poland Jefferson (2)                                      TR 420a
Poland Jesse (14)                                         TR 419a
Poland John (54)                                          TR 419a
Poland John (13)                                          GL 507b
Poland Marget (8)                                         TR 420a
Poland Mary A. (38)                                       TR 420a
Poland Mary (3)                                           GL 507b
Poland Mary (42)                                          GL 507b
Poland Samuel (16)                                        TR 419a
Poland Samuel (48)                                        GL 507b
Poland Samuel (8)                                         GL 507b
Poland Sarah (28)                                         TR 420b
Poland Sarah (5)                                          GL 507b
Poland Simon (11)                                         TR 420a
Poland Thomas (27)                                        TR 420a
Poland Washington (1)                                     GL 507b
Poland William (20)                                       GL 507b
Pollison Abraham (9)                                      CG 475b
Pollison Isaac (15)                                       CG 475b
Pollison Jacob (21)                                       CG 475b
Pollison John (50)                                        CG 475b
Pollison Juliann (6)                                      CG 475b
Pollison Lavina (17)                                      CG 475b
Pollison Mary (21)                                        CG 475b
Pollison Mary (40)                                        CG 475b
Pollison Michael (13)                                     CG 475b
Pollison William (1)                                      CG 475b
Pollock David (12)                                        WA 349b
Pollock Elizabeth (16)                                    WA 349b
Pollock John (14)                                         WA 349b
Pollock Margaret (6)                                      WA 349b
Pollock Mary (10)                                         WA 349b
Pollock Sabrina (4)                                       WA 349b
Pollock Sarah A. (8)                                      WA 349b
Pollock Sarah (38)                                        WA 349b
Pollock Thomas (41)                                       WA 349b
Pond Cloe (3)                                             FR 485b
Pond Laura (8/12)                                         FR 485b
Pond Rollin (28)                                          FR 485b
Pond Sarah (28)                                           FR 485b
Poneers Almira (5)                                         WF 12a
Poneers C.I. (18)                                          WF 12a
Poneers J.I. (20)                                          WF 12a
Poneers Lucretia (14)                                      WF 12a
Poneers Lulcinda (9)                                       WF 12a
Poneers Mary (36)                                          WF 12a
Poneers Minnie (1)                                         WF 12a
Poneers Phildaner (7)                                      WF 12a
Poneers Thomas (41)                                        WF 12a
Poneers Zenas (16)                                         WF 12a
Pool Catharine (48)                                       CR 388a
Pool Daniel G. (60)                                       CR 388a
Pool John M. (14)                                         CR 388a
Poorman Loretta (26)                                      CR 389b
Poorman Rozalbo (1/12)                                    CR 389b
Poorman William H. (22)                                   CR 389b
Poppins Anisa B. (3)                                      NB 410b
Poppins Arminda E. (5)                                    NB 410b
Poppins David L. (52)                                     NB 410b
Poppins Deborah A. (18)                                   NB 410b
Poppins Harriet (9)                                       NB 410b
Poppins jane (37)                                         NB 410b
Poppins Margaret E. (16)                                  NB 410b
Poppins Mary A. (13)                                      NB 410b
Porterfield Jasper (18)                                    WF 13a
Portner Barbara A. (21)                                   TR 414a
Portner Christina (66)                                    TR 414a
Portner Christina (30)                                    TR 414a
Portner Daniel (35)                                       TR 419a
Portner David (27)                                        TR 414a
Portner Henry D. (4)                                      TR 419a
Portner Jane (30)                                         TR 419a
Portner Louisa J. (6)                                     TR 419a
Portner Mary A. (5)                                       TR 419a
Portner Susan (2)                                         TR 419a
Potter Ann Helt (35)                                      SB 516b
Potter Anna (8)                                            PU 66b
Potter Anna (71)                                           PU 66a
Potter Anna (56)                                          GL 498b
Potter Asahel (74)                                         PU 66a
Potter Cassander (42)                                     SB 516b
Potter Chloe (12)                                         GL 501a
Potter Clarence (3)                                        PU 66a
Potter Cornelia (30)                                       PU 66a
Potter Daniel (7)                                         GL 501a
Potter David (27)                                         SB 516b
Potter David (30)                                         GL 496a
Potter Densy (6)                                          GL 501a
Potter Eliza (6)                                           PU 66b
Potter Elizabeth (27)                                     GL 496a
Potter Ellen (20)                                         GL 498b
Potter Hannah (9)                                         GL 496a
Potter Israel (45)                                         PU 66b
Potter Jane (12)                                          GL 498b
Potter Jeremiah (24)                                      SB 516b
Potter Joseph (10)                                        GL 498b
Potter Julia (9)                                          GL 501a
Potter Lemuel (73)                                        SB 516b
Potter Leroy (7)                                          SB 516b
Potter Levi (6)                                           GL 496a
Potter Lewis (6)                                          GL 496a
Potter Lufanna (1)                                        GL 501a
Potter Martha (1)                                         GL 496a
Potter Mary (39)                                          SB 516b
Potter Mary (44)                                          GL 498b
Potter Mary (6)                                           GL 498b
Potter Mathew (1)                                         GL 496b
Potter Payson (7)                                          PU 62b
Potter Phebe (26)                                          PU 66b
Potter Richard (62)                                       GL 498b
Potter Samuel (45)                                        GL 501a
Potter Serena (28)                                        GL 501a
Potter Thomas (60)                                        GL 498b
Potter Vina (5)                                           GL 496a
Potter William (1)                                         PU 66b
Potts Benjamin (16)                                        HA 35a
Potts Catharine (18)                                       HA 35a
Potts Charles (40)                                         HA 35a
Potts Daniel (9)                                           HA 35a
Potts John (11)                                            HA 35a
Potts Joseph (14)                                          HA 35a
Potts Mary Ann (39)                                        HA 35a
Potts Mary (1)                                             HA 35a
Potts Susan (7)                                            HA 35a
Potts William (20)                                         HA 35a
Powel Catharine (4)                                       CR 392b
Powel Elizabeth (43)                                      CR 392b
Powel Henry (46)                                          CR 392b
Powel Leah (10)                                           CR 392b
Powel Levi (8)                                            CR 392b
Powel Rachel (6)                                          CR 392b
Powel Sarah (15)                                          CR 392b
Powel Susan (12)                                          CR 392b
Powell Anna (22)                                           LN 19a
Powell Anna (45)                                           HA 38b
Powell Charles (3)                                        CG 467b
Powell Cordelia (30)                                       LN 22b
Powell Daniel (48)                                         HA 38b
Powell Elizabeth (3)                                       HA 38b
Powell Esther (41)                                         LN 19a
Powell Eunice (55)                                         LN 22b
Powell Hannah (23)                                         HA 36a
Powell Hannah (38)                                        CG 467b
Powell Isaiah (15)                                         LN 19a
Powell John (20)                                           LN 19a
Powell Joseph (8)                                         CG 467b
Powell Levi (21)                                           HA 36a
Powell Maria (13)                                          LN 19a
Powell Maria (14)                                          HA 38b
Powell Marin (9/12)                                        HA 36a
Powell Mary (19)                                           LN 19a
Powell Mary (18)                                           LN 22b
Powell Minerva (7/12)                                      LN 19a
Powell Permelia (13)                                      CG 467b
Powell Peter (45)                                          LN 19a
Powell Phebe (12)                                         CG 467b
Powell Rebecca (17)                                        LN 19a
Powell Thomas (11)                                         HA 38b
Powell William (38)                                       CG 467b
Powell Willliam (58)                                       LN 22b
Power Amelia (6)                                           WF 14a
Power Charles (15)                                         WF 14a
Power Hannah (45)                                          WF 14a
Power Levi (8)                                             WF 14a
Power Lewis (12)                                           WF 14a
Power Rachael (17)                                         WF 14a
Power Samuel (56)                                          WF 14a
Powers Sarah C. (27)                                      CR 382a
Poyers Robert (2)                                         CR 382b
Pratt Absolom (22)                                        GL 510a
Pratt Alanson (42)                                        CR 387a
Pratt Edward (14)                                         CR 387a
Pratt Hellen (19)                                         CR 387a
Pratt John (4)                                            CR 387a
Pratt Mary (7)                                            CR 387a
Pratt Rhoda (15)                                          CR 387a
Pratt Ruth (15)                                           CR 387a
Presler Barbara R. (9)                                    WA 357b
Presler Catharine (11)                                    WA 357b
Presler Diana (2)                                         CG 457b
Presler Elizabeth (36)                                    WA 357b
Presler Jacob (39)                                        WA 357b
Presler Margaret (5)                                      CG 457b
Presler Mary (15)                                         WA 357b
Presler Peter (1/12)                                      CG 457b
Presler Peter (37)                                        CG 457b
Presler Sarah (26)                                        CG 457b
Price Barbara (51)                                         BE 54a
Price Benjamin (60)                                       NB 411a
Price Elizabeth (59)                                      NB 411a
Price Elizer (57)                                         SB 521b
Price Esther (2/12)                                       PR 434a
Price Hannah (15)                                          BE 54a
Price Hellen (7)                                          SB 521b
Price Hortensa (4)                                        SB 521b
Price Hugh (27)                                           CR 382b
Price Joana E. (38)                                       NB 411a
Price John H. (28)                                        NB 411a
Price John (49)                                            BE 54a
Price Maria (41)                                          SB 521b
Price Mary J. (23)                                        PR 434a
Price Mary (2)                                            PR 434a
Price Mary (26)                                            BE 54a
Price Oseah (30)                                          NB 411a
Price Rebecca (18)                                         BE 54a
Price Samuel (28)                                         PR 434a
Price Sarah (10/12)                                        BE 54a
Price William (19)                                        SB 521b
Price William (4)                                         PR 434a
Price William (26)                                         BE 54a
Pringle Catharine (6/12)                                  CR 381a
Pringle James M. (29)                                     CR 381a
Pringle Mary A. (29)                                      CR 381a
Proctor Alexander (24)                                    WA 359a
Prophet Alfred (20)                                       CR 391b
Prophet Catharine (53)                                    CR 391b
Prophet Catharine (17)                                    CR 391b
Prophet Henry (26)                                        CR 391b
Prophet Hinchman (14)                                     CR 391b
Prophet Jane (22)                                         CR 391b
Prophet John (52)                                         CR 391b
Prophet John (16)                                         CR 391b
Prouty Andrew (16)                                        NB 401b
Prouty Barnabas (9)                                       NB 401b
Prouty Barnabas (41)                                      NB 401b
Prouty Enoch (6)                                          NB 401b
Prouty Jeremiah (6/12)                                    NB 401b
Prouty John (13)                                          NB 401b
Prouty Joshua (8)                                         NB 401b
Prouty Rebecca (31)                                       NB 401b
Prouty Stephen (11)                                       NB 401b
Proutz Annaretta (33)                                     NB 411b
Proutz Elizabeth (9)                                      NB 404a
Proutz Elizabeth (78)                                     NB 411b
Proutz Esther (3)                                         NB 411b
Proutz Genitta (10)                                       NB 411b
Proutz John (5)                                           NB 404a
Proutz Mahala (7)                                         NB 404a
Proutz martha (6)                                         NB 411b
Proutz Mary A. (28)                                       NB 404a
Proutz Roderick (9)                                       NB 411b
Proutz Stephen (82)                                       NB 411b
Ptman Abednigo (44)                                       FR 489a
Ptman Effa (30)                                           FR 489a
Ptman Hannah (11)                                         FR 489a
Ptman Harriet (3/12)                                      FR 489a
Ptman Mary (4)                                            FR 489a
Ptman Miram (2)                                           FR 489a
Ptman Thomas (13)                                         FR 489a
Ptman William (16)                                        FR 489a
Puck Collins (28)                                          LN 28b
Puck Gilbert (2/12)                                        LN 28b
Puck Nancy (28)                                            LN 28b
Pugh Elizabeth (50)                                       PR 426a
Pugh Jonathan (33)                                         PU 65a
Pugh Maria (26)                                            PU 65a
Pugh Mary (24)                                            PR 426a
Pumph* Caleb (52)                                         SB 532a
Pumph* Caroline (6)                                       SB 532a
Pumph* Frances (26)                                       SB 532a
Punch Anita (38)                                          CH 454a
Punch Eliza (16)                                          CH 454a
Punch Grace (4)                                           CH 454a
Punch Joshua M (7)                                        CH 454a
Punch Mansfield (41)                                      CH 454a
Punch Winchill M. (12)                                    CH 454a
Purdy Catharine (23)                                      PR 422b
Purdy Fanny (41)                                          PR 422b
Purdy Henry (50)                                          PR 422b
Purdy Henry (17)                                          PR 422b
Purdy Jannett (11)                                        PR 423a
Purdy Levi (13)                                           PR 423a
Purdy Lydia (22)                                          PR 422b
Purdy Miriam (15)                                         PR 423a
Purdy Sarah O. (9)                                        PR 423a
Purdy William (20)                                        PR 422b
Pursell Charles (7)                                       FR 488a
Pursell David (46)                                        FR 488a
Pursell Elizabeth (18)                                    FR 488a
Pursell Grace (45)                                        FR 488a
Pursell James (13)                                        FR 488a
Pursell John (20)                                         FR 488a
Pursell Mary (4)                                          FR 488b
Pursell Sarah (10)                                        FR 488a
Purvis Albernus (4/12)                                     PU 58b
Purvis Alexander (44)                                     CR 386a
Purvis Alice (6)                                          CR 386b
Purvis Ann M. (23)                                        CR 380a
Purvis David W. (34)                                      CR 385a
Purvis Dianna (15)                                        CR 384b
Purvis Dorcas (7)                                         CR 384b
Purvis Elenora (2)                                        GL 504b
Purvis Elias (11)                                          PU 58b
Purvis Elizabeth (31)                                      PU 58b
Purvis George (14)                                        CR 386b
Purvis George W. (44)                                     CR 384b
Purvis Harmony (7)                                        GL 504b
Purvis Henry (10)                                         CR 384b
Purvis James (31)                                          PU 58b
Purvis James P. (23)                                      CR 380a
Purvis John (48)                                          GL 504b
Purvis John (22)                                          CR 384b
Purvis Lucy (43)                                          CR 384b
Purvis Lydia L. (35)                                      CR 385a
Purvis Marietta (3)                                        PU 58b
Purvis Martin B. (2)                                      CR 386b
Purvis Mary (31)                                          GL 504b
Purvis Neary A. (19)                                      CR 378b
Purvis Peter B. (8)                                       CR 385a
Purvis Polly (20)                                         CR 386b
Purvis Rhoda (4)                                          GL 504b
Purvis Rodney (14)                                        GL 504b
Purvis Sarah (50)                                         CR 379a
Purvis Theodore (5)                                       CR 385a
Purvis Thomas J. (1/12)                                   CR 386b
Purvis Warner (27)                                        CR 378b
Purvis William D. (53)                                    CR 379a
Purvis William (17)                                       CR 384b
Putnam Benjamin (29)                                      NB 396a
Putnam Elinor (22)                                        NB 396a
Putnam George B. (1)                                      NB 396a
Quaintance Abraham (10)                                   GL 510b
Quaintance Ephraim (12)                                   GL 510b
Quaintance Hannah (5)                                     GL 510b
Quaintance Lears (36)                                     GL 510b
Quaintance Maria (34)                                     GL 510b
Quaintance Sarah (7)                                      GL 510b
Quaintanci Elie D. (16)                                   CR 390b
Quaintanci Ellen (3)                                      CR 390b
Quaintanci Greenburg (5)                                  CR 390b
Quaintanci Joseph (38)                                    CR 390b
Quaintanci Lucy A. (14)                                   CR 390b
Quaintanci Lydia (13)                                     CR 390b
Quaintanci Phebe (35)                                     CR 390b
Quaintaner Joseph (10)                                    GL 501b
Queen Asa (19)                                            CR 385a
Queen Elizabeth (57)                                      CR 384b
Queen Hannah A. (22)                                      CR 385a
Queen Lewis (22)                                          CR 384b
Queen Martha (10)                                         CR 384b
Queen Susan (15)                                          CR 384b
Queen William C. (63)                                     CR 384b
Quinn Patrick (30)                                        CR 383a
R*ard Daniel (49)                                         FR 483a
R*ard Eliza (9)                                           FR 483a
R*ard Elizabeth (45)                                      FR 483a
R*ard Elizabeth (20)                                      FR 483a
R*ard George W. (5)                                       FR 483a
R*ard James (22)                                          FR 483a
R*ard John (17)                                           FR 483a
R*ard Martha (15)                                         FR 483a
R*ard Sarah (13)                                          FR 483a
Ra* Edward (53)                                            BE 56b
Ra* Sarah (29)                                             BE 56b
Ragan Peter (24)                                          NB 399a
Ragen Jerry (35)                                          WA 351b
Rainer Mary (50)                                          CG 466a
Ramey Catharine (18)                                      SB 519a
Ramsey Henry (13)                                         SB 522b
Ramsey Jacob (17)                                         SB 522b
Ramsey John (23)                                          SB 522b
Ramsey John (60)                                          SB 522b
Ramsey Martha (15)                                        SB 522b
Ramsey Mary (15)                                          SB 522b
Ramsey Sarah (54)                                         SB 522b
Randall Esther (39)                                       SB 518b
Randall John (25)                                         SB 518a
Randall Malvin (1)                                        SB 518b
Randolph Alfred (16)                                       BE 43b
Randolph Catherine (74)                                    PU 64b
Randolph Charles (1)                                       PU 61b
Randolph Charlotte (18)                                    PU 64b
Randolph Clarkson (12)                                    CN 363b
Randolph Cornelius (55)                                    PU 64b
Randolph Elizabeth (25)                                    PU 61b
Randolph George (14)                                       PU 64b
Randolph Hiram (9)                                         PU 65a
Randolph Hiram (33)                                       GL 508b
Randolph James (7)                                         PU 65a
Randolph James (41)                                        BE 43b
Randolph Jefferson (5)                                     BE 43b
Randolph John (38)                                         PU 61b
Randolph John (16)                                         PU 64b
Randolph Julia Ann (45)                                    PU 64b
Randolph Leah (38)                                        CN 363b
Randolph Lydia (19)                                       GL 509a
Randolph Margaret (14)                                     BE 43b
Randolph Mary E. (2)                                      CN 363b
Randolph Mary (4)                                          PU 64b
Randolph Mary (8)                                          BE 43b
Randolph Mary (37)                                         BE 43b
Randolph Nathan (48)                                      CN 363b
Randolph Phebe (10)                                        PU 64b
Randolph Rachael (17)                                      PU 64b
Randolph Sarah A. (9)                                     CN 363b
Randolph Stephen (41)                                      PU 64b
Randolph Susan (52)                                        PU 64b
Randolph Thomas (21)                                       PU 64b
Randolph Warner (7)                                        BE 48a
Ransom Augusta (14)                                       GL 513b
Ransom Benjamin (36)                                      GL 513b
Ransom Charles (7)                                        GL 513b
Ransom Cornelia (3)                                       GL 513b
Ransom Eliza (42)                                         GL 513b
Ransom Jonathan (12)                                      GL 513b
Ransom Temperance (7)                                     GL 510a
Rausk Atulph (12)                                         CG 458b
Raysom Charles (3)                                        CN 374b
Reace Ivan (30)                                            HA 35a
Reace Sarah (25)                                           HA 35a
Reader Abraham (38)                                       CR 386a
Reader Abraham L. (11)                                    NB 397a
Reader Elizabeth (15)                                     CR 386a
Reader Gaylord H. (9)                                     NB 397a
Reader John (17)                                          CR 386a
Reader John L. (41)                                       NB 397a
Reader John W. (6)                                        NB 397a
Reader Latitia B. (4)                                     CR 386a
Reader Margaret (20)                                      NB 399b
Reader Mary E. (3)                                        NB 397a
Reader Mary (36)                                          NB 397a
Reader Mary (35)                                          CR 386a
Reader Milton (32)                                        NB 399b
Reader Sarah J. (11)                                      CR 386a
Reason John R (38)                                        CH 443b
Reason Margaret (32)                                      CH 443b
Reasoner Alfred (5)                                       CN 366a
Reasoner Benjamin F. (5)                                  CN 365a
Reasoner Daniel (34)                                      CN 366a
Reasoner Daniel (19)                                      CN 377b
Reasoner Eliza J. (12)                                    CN 366a
Reasoner Elizabeth (7)                                    CN 365a
Reasoner Ephraim (21)                                     CN 365a
Reasoner George C. (10/12)                                CN 377b
Reasoner Hannah (21)                                      CN 365a
Reasoner Henry (13)                                       CN 366a
Reasoner Hiram (1)                                        CN 366a
Reasoner Jane (16)                                        CN 377b
Reasoner Joanna (32)                                      CN 365a
Reasoner John (10)                                        CN 365a
Reasoner Malissa (3)                                      CN 365a
Reasoner Maria (4)                                        CN 366a
Reasoner Mary (9)                                         CN 377b
Reasoner Nancy S. (8)                                     CN 366a
Reasoner Naomi (11)                                       CN 365a
Reasoner Noah (9)                                         CN 365a
Reasoner Peter (47)                                       CN 364b
Reasoner Ponce (6)                                        CN 365a
Reasoner Rachel A. (1)                                    CN 365a
Reasoner Reuben (13)                                      CN 365a
Reasoner Samuel (14)                                      CN 365a
Reasoner Sarah (33)                                       CN 366a
Reasoner Sarah (8)                                        CN 365a
Reasoner Shipler (24)                                     CN 377b
Reasoner Spears (32)                                      CN 365a
Reece Barbara (24)                                        SB 531b
Reece Martha (49)                                         SB 528b
Reece Mary (58)                                           SB 531b
Reece Ruth (19)                                           SB 531b
Reece Samuel (20)                                         SB 531b

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Monday, 10-Sep-2018 13:43:20 MDT