“Yesterday’s Schools” presented by Susan Dice.
President Betty Meier introduced our speaker, Susan Dice, who reflected on “Yesterday’s Schools.” She stated that education has always been important in Ohio beginning with provisions in the Northwest Ordinance and the early establishment of Land Grant colleges. She said that as a teacher, she tried to make history come alive for her students by sharing historic items from her collections and by bringing in speakers such as Carroll Neidhardt and Maxine Marshall. Susan shared with the group a variety of vintage textbooks, workbooks, lunch pails, pencil boxes, etc. Following her presentation, attendees told stories of their own school days.
President Meier reported on the visits to the Genealogy Library by the Mt. Gilead third graders. She stated that the copy machine has been repaired. Ann Artrip has agreed to serve on the First Families committee and she and Betty plant to attend an OGS program on June 6. Summer hours for the Genealogy Library will begin June 6 and continue through August 29 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Betty will be training some new volunteers.