November 18, 2017 – Meeting

At a meeting held at OGS in Bellville, Janet Rhodebeck, a member of the Samuel Lewis Chapter of the Daughters of 1812, gave a summary of the major events in the War of 1812, often referred to as America’s Second War for Independence. She said war was initially declared due to British impressment of US sailors. She told of the battle of Fort McHenry, during which “The Star-Spangled Banner” was written, the burning of Washington, and the battles of Lake Erie and New Orleans.

Concluding her presentation, Janet introduced Sunda Peters, former state president of the Daughters of 1812, who spoke on local projects relating to the War of 1812, which include renovation of the Mansfield Blockhouse and a recently relocated two-story log house.

Members were invited to explore the OGS library and to do research following the meeting.

The need for a new microfilm reader/printer was discussed as the current one will no longer print. Some members had seen a demonstration of OGS’s ScanPro which costs about $5,000. It was moved by Nadine Umstead and seconded by Donna Ufferman to start a fundraising campaign to purchase a ScanPro. The motion passed.

Officers elected for 2018: Ann Artrip, president; Donna Ufferman, vice president; Phylis Miller, recording secretary; Stan Sipe, treasurer.