Members Sharing Family Treasures

Members of the Morrow County Genealogical Society shared family treasures at the March 24th meeting held on the third floor of the Mount Gilead Public Library. President Ann Artrip welcomed 26 members and guests.
Sharing first was Verlton Kunze who displayed articles from his German ancestor, Jacob Kunze, including a map of Jacob’s homeland, his signet ring and records of Kunze reunions.
Mark ARnold told of his father’s career with Erie Railroad and showed a telegraph key which Winton had salvaged from a demolished railroad tower.
Dan Rhodebeck brought several hats worn by family members including a stovepipe one, a derby and a helmet from the Johnsville Odd Fellows Lodge. He also showed some recently discovered vintage photos of St. John’ Lutheran Church.
Fritz Miller showed a trophy awarded to his grandfather, James Junkin, for his prizewinning corn shown at a 1929 exhibition held at Mt. Gilead School.
Janet Miller’s treasure was a book of nursery rhymes from the late 1800s which she found at the Boundary UM Church.
Nadine Umstead displayed a carved wooden plaque of the Civil War Gunboat ‘Johanna’ which was made by Confederate prisoners held on Johnson’s Island in Lake Erie.
Pat Ebersole shared a 1920s yoyo quilt made by Mary Stilley and a 1913 dish.
Ruth Logan treasures her grandmother’s egg-gathering basket from the 1800s.
Brad Wood told the story of his ancestor, John Anderson who immigrated to America in 1796, landing in New York City. When his wife and children came in 1798, the ship somehow landed in Virginia. It was another two years before the family was reunited.
Ann and Laura Artrip displayed a scrapbook which they had made for Ann’s grandmother, Betty Kunze to help her remember her family when she began suffering from dementia.
Janet Rhodebeck showed photos and letters from her Parks and Henry relatives, a book of poetry from Steam Corners and a quilt probably made by Lucy Levering Rhodebeck which she found in the house where she and Dan now live.
Stan Sipe read from a journal kept by his great-grandmother Sipe who died in 1965. Memorable entries included Nov. 22, 1963, when the Omar breadman told her President Kennedy had been shot and Nov. 9, 1964, when she watched the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. She recorded, “They were awful!”
Della Mosier shared a 118-year-old elaborate fan-patterned crazy quilt made by her step-grandmother, Minnie Early.
Barbara Brewer brought a basket given to her grandmother, Opal Weaver Patrick, by her teacher, Miss Leach.
Donna Ufferman said her grandmother used a firkin to hold her yarn as she knitted. It is now one of Donna’s keepsakes.
Estell Stahl showed a wooden box given to her for Christmas in 1935.
Ellen McMurray told of her grandfather, Ralph Burson, painting a scene of the River Jordan on the lid of the baptistry at Bryn Zion Church and of the scenes he painted on barn doors around the county which usually included horses. She showed a cut-out tin horse which he had made.
Phylis Miller showed a framed collage featuring a Clarence Patzer auction poster listing her father, Raymond Bush as clerk, which she had surrounded by family photos.
Ann thanked Janet and Nadine for their work setting up the display in the Genealogy Library entrance. Janet Rhodebeck was thanked for redoing the faces on the mannequins. The scene depicts a family visiting Dr. Bebee’s office.
Ann recognized Lynn and Judy Webb who have been in Mr. Gilead for several months digitizing probate records. They thanked the volunteers who have worked faithfully for 18 months opening packets and unfolding items.