32nd Annual “First Families”
The Morrow County Genealogical Society held its 32nd annual “First Families” luncheon on Saturday, April 28, 2018 in the Trinity United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Following the table blessing by President Ann Artrip, a delicious chicken meal was served to 22 members and guests.
Six candidates were inducted into membership in the Society of First Families of Morrow County. The ceremony began with the lighting of three candles symbolizing the Past, the Present, and the Future. Inducted and presented pins were: William Bradley Wood, Debra Elaine Bickett Puro, Nancey Ellen Burson McMurray, Estell Burson Stahl, Dale H. Kunze, Laura Artrip. Three members had proven additional ancestors: Ann Kunze Artrip, Verlton Kunze, and Terry Breeze. Since Morrow County’s chapter was formed 32 years ago, 657 ancestors have been proven.
The program featured the life story of Civil War soldier, Robert Long, as portrayed by Patrick Drouhard. A native of Cardington, Long fought alongside his brother, John, in many battles, including Stones River, Tennessee, where John was Killed. Robert was later taken prisoner and survived the infamous Andersonville Prison. He also survived the explosion of the steamboat ‘Sultana’ on his homeward journey. At last he made his way back to Cardington, where he farmed, married, fathered eight children, and live to the age of 81.
A brief business meeting followed the program. Ann thanked Donna Ufferman for the table decorations in the Civil War theme, as well as the program covers. Treasurer Stan Sipe said work on preparing Civil Court records has begun now that the Probate records are being digitized.