October 25, 2014 – Meeting

“The Post-War Years, 1945-1960, in Morrow County” presented by Stan Sipe

Stan Sipe presented an interesting program on “The Post-Wars Years, 1945-1960, in Morrow County.” Based on his research in the three county weekly newspapers, Stan organized the changes seen by county residents in several areas: communication, transportation, business growth, construction, health care, scandals, natural disasters, and details of the county’s 1948 Centennial celebration. Several members commented on their memories of these events.

President Meier reported that she had represented the Society with a display at Chesterville’s Heritage Day on October 18, and that she had attended an OGS newsletter workshop recently. She circulated a copy of the Facebook ad which Wilma Lepore has posted to advertise the multi-county history book. She also displayed the OGS publication containing an article Wilma helped edit and thanked her for her recent donation of Baptist Church histories.

An OSU tailgate party was the theme of the refreshment time.