Briggs & Pollock Christmas Ads in 1874

Taken from the Morrow County Sentinel Dec 3, 1874

We invite your attention to our stock of Albums and prices. We cannot be undersold.
Bear in mind the we have the most complete stock of fine and desirable Toilet Soaps at very close prices.
Any size and style of Frames made up at Briggs & Pollock’s on short notice.
The reason why we can sell Notions and Holiday Goods so cheap is that we purchased them at the bottom of the market in New York and paid cash down, thus receiving the very lowest possible prices.

Albums at $1.00 sold everywhere at $1.25

A very large stock of Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes at reduced prices.

Richer Vases and Cologne sets now on exhibition -and more of them than ever displayed at any two stores in Morrow county. Don’t take our word for it but go and see.

New, novel and attractive styles of Smokers sets.

A great variety of China and Wax Dolls.

We can furnish you solid coin silver and best Plated Silver Spoons at prices that will secure your trade – Try us.

Westenholm and other brands of Pocket Knives at extremely low prices

Pocket Books at 75 cents. Sold elsewhere at $1.00 Ladies Purses at 50 cents, sold elsewhere at 75 Cents and $1.00.

Other items sold- Beautiful styles of Handkerchief Boxes; Fine Rich Leather Glove Boxes; Rich Russia Leather Pocket Books; Spectacles and Cases; Elegant Watch Stands and Jewel Boxes; Toys amusing and cheap for the little ones.

All these and hundreds of more beautiful things are to be seen at Briggs & Pollock.

Our parting advice. Call early, select your goods and have them laid away for you, and thus save yourself disappointment in not getting just what you want, and avoid the rush that always comes the few days preceding Christmas.