Most of the cemetery names and locations were obtained from the results of a federally funded project in the 1930’s, known as the “WPA Veterans Grave Registration Project”. It was conducted in cooperation with the American Legion to identify the names of all veterans of the armed services buried in Morrow County and to locate their graves. A copy of the WPA survey is in the Recorder’s office in the Morrow County Courthouse, Mount Gilead, Ohio. In addition, over the years, volunteers from the Morrow County Genealogical Society have physically walked through every known cemetery area and, in most cases, were able to record the tombstone inscriptions and locations.
NOTE: Cemetery names marked with * could not be located by the compilers of the “Tombstone Inscriptions” book.
- *Cooley Cemetery
This cemetery consisted of 1/100th acre with eight burial spots, and was located 0.25 mile north of CR 59 and 0.6 mile west of CR 28. The exact location of the cemetery cannot be ascertained, however two gravestones from this burial place have been located, as follows:
COOLEY, Daniel, died Apr. 23, 1845, a. -?-
COOLEY, Elizabeth, wife of Daniel, d. May 24, 1844, a. 52 yr - *Lepp Cemetery
This cemetery consisted of 1/100th acre, located 0.75 miles west of CR 9 and 0.4 mile north of CR 61, but no evidence of its exact location can be found. - North Canaan Cemetery
Located on CR 28, about one and one-half miles south of SR 309. This cemetery is divided by driveways, running east and west from gates off CR 28, into three equal sections, with the graves in the north section being in twenty-six fairly uniform rows, while the center and south sections have a more scattered arrangement. Many stones are of marble and are badly weathered, but a sincere effort was made to copy the inscriptions as accurately as possible. In some instances, only a base remains or the stone was badly broken so as to be illegible. Copied September 1983 by Winton and Dolores Arnold. - *Patten Cemetery
This cemetery consisted of 1/100th acre, located 0.2 mile west of TR 62 and 0.3 mile south of CR 59. Local maps indicate there were five burial spots, but no evidence remains. - Rice Cemetery
Located on TR 60, about 0.25 mile south of CR 59 on a farm now owned (1983) by M. E. Stafford. The cemetery is east of the road, above Flat Run, easily visible from the road. The rows are recorded left to right, facing the stones, or north to south. The rows are numbered from west to east. Inscriptions copied by Ralph Leroy Lyon, Caledonia, Ohio, prior to 1972 and rechecked for accuracy 16 Oct 1983 by Winton and Dolores Arnold. - South Canaan Cemetery
This is a small cemetery, located on the north side of Marion-Edison Road, CR 27 (appears as “South Canaan” on map), just east of the Marion County line, and near where TR 134 “tees” into it from the south. Rows are numbered from east to west and are copied from south to north. It is well kept with no driveways in it. These markers were copied September 1983 by Lewis and Mary Caskey. - Worden Cemetery
Located about 1,000 ft. south of SR 95, between Denmark and Edison, Ohio, on the east side of Worden Road (TR 130). Copied September 25, 1983, by Lewis & Mary Caskey, Winton & Dolores Arnold, and Mary A. Brocklesby.