Perry Township was originally part of the Congress Lands Survey, 1799-1804, and was under the jurisdiction of Richland County from 1812 until 1848. The description used in the land survey for Perry Township was: Township 19 North, Range 19 West. When Morrow County was created in 1848, Perry Township was divided symetrically: Morrow received the western 18 sections, while Richland retained the eastern 18 sections.
Most of the cemetery names and locations were obtained from the results of a federally funded project in the 1930’s, known as the “WPA Veterans Grave Registration Project”. It was conducted in cooperation with the American Legion to identify the names of all veterans of the armed services buried in Morrow County and to locate their graves. A copy of the WPA survey is in the Recorder’s office in the Morrow County Courthouse, Mount Gilead, Ohio. Only the two “unnamed” cemeteries and the Singrey Cemetery were not included in the WPA survey. In addition, over the years, volunteers from the Morrow County Genealogical Society have physically walked through every known cemetery area and, in most cases, were able to record the tombstone inscriptions and locations.
GPS coordinates, where listed, are from the USGS Geographic Names Information Service (GNIS) here.
- Bufmer Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None available.
Located in the NW quarter of Section 17. .01 Acre. At the northeast corner of the intersection of Chesterville-Shelby Road (SR 314) and Woodbury-Bellville Road (CR 97), 1.25 miles south of Johnsville (Shauck). Tombstones were removed when the state highway was widened (probably in the 1930’s), and relocated at the west end of the Lutheran Cemetery, which is at the southwest corner of the same intersection. Only surname recorded is Buchner, copied July 1973. - Franks Family Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None available. Established in 1982: well after the WPA survey.
At the southeast corner of Section 19, on the west side of SR 314. No upright headstones; information taken from newspaper obituaries. - Lucas Family Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None available.
Located in the northwest quarter of Section 16, east of the Johnsville-Waterford Road (TR 80), one mile south of US 42 northeast of Johnsville, at Carpenter Road (TR 83). Exact location unknown, no tombstones or markers in evidence. This general location is near the homestead site of Adam Lucas, of York County, Pennsylvania, who settled in Perry Township in 1820. NOTE: There is one tombstone in Shauck Cemetery, two miles north, that pre-dates the commonly accepted establishment of Shauck: 12 February 1824. This stone commenorates the death of a relative who may have been buried in the Lucas Family Cemetery: Elizabeth w/o Adam Lucas, d 1 Jan 1822 ae 36y. - North Woodbury Lutheran Church Cemetery (St. John’s)
GPS Coordinates: None available.
Located in the southeast quarter of Section 18. 0.31 Acre. At the southwest corner of Chesterville-Shelby Road (SR 314) and Woodbury-Bellville Road (CR 97). - Singrey Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None available.
Located in the northeast quarter of Section 28. East of Lewis Road (TR 88), approximately one-eighth mile north of intersection with TR 89 and just within the Morrow County line. The tombstones are not in the original location of the cemetery, having been moved at least twice. Most recently, about 1980, the stones were moved further east when the road was widened, and placed in a straight line. A wire fence surrounds this plot, with a metal plaque: “IN MEMORY OF JEHU SINGREY AND RELATIVES”. Copied April 1982. - Unnamed Cemetery
Located in southeast quarter of Section 21. West of Lewis Road (TR 88) approximately 1/4 mile south of intersection with Williamsport-Darlington Road (TR 87). One stone: “DENNIS, Francis s/o Samuel & Catherine d 19 July 1836, ae 1y 6m”. Copied June 1978. - Shauck Cemetery (In Johnsville)
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.6311699 and Longitude -82.6490620
Located in the northeast quarter of Section 5. 6.98 Acres when the WPA Survey was taken in the 1930’s. There has been more burial space added (3.89 acres) and 4.49 acres of open landscaped area acquired. The total area is now about 15.36 acres.
A history of Perry Township stated that the first burial in Shauck Cemetery was in 1824. At one time there were two churches in the vicinity: an Old School Baptist Church, at the southwest corner of the cemetery, and a Mennonite Church. The Baptist Church moved to Troy Township and is now the Jugs Corners Grange Hall. Shauck Cemetery is maintained by the Perry Township Trustees.
There are two inscriptions in stone markers at the entrance to the driveway between Sections 1 and 2: “SHAUCK CEMETERY” and “IN MEMORIAM 1824-1957”. Also, a metal plaque at the flagpole closer to the main entrance off SR 42: “DEDICATED TO ALL VETERANS WHO SERVED IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DONATED BY E. B. RINEHART POST 754 AMERICAN LEGION. 1975”.
Notes on Appendix A in the Second Edition
When this volume of tombstone inscriptions was first printed in the early months of 1986, it was assembled from work that had been done nearly three years prior to that time. To bring up to date the listings for this Second Edition, the burial permits for Shauck Cemetery from 1983 through 1988 were used as the source. Therefore, Appendix A consists of surnames, age at death (when listed on the permit or derived from the date of birth listed on the permit), and date of death. The information is listed alphabetically by year. [As best I could determine, when preparing this webpage, surnames in the Appendix were not incorporated into the index.]