Most of the cemetery names and locations were obtained from the results of a federally funded project in the 1930’s, known as the “WPA Veterans Grave Registration Project”. It was conducted in cooperation with the American Legion to identify the names of all veterans of the armed services buried in Morrow County and to locate their graves. A copy of the WPA survey is in the Recorder’s office in the Morrow County Courthouse, Mount Gilead, Ohio. In addition, over the years, volunteers from the Morrow County Genealogical Society have physically walked through every known cemetery area and, in most cases, were able to record the tombstone inscriptions and locations.
GPS coordinates, where listed, are from the USGS Geographic Names Information Service (GNIS) here.
- Aldrich Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None found. .05 Acre. At US 42 and TR 21. No stones. - Elliott Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.4500607 and Longitude -82.9662950 Area with graves about 20′ x 30′.
Located about 2,000 feet southwest of the intersection of SR 746 and Waldo-Ashley Road (CR 153). About .6 mile west of US Rt. 42. Area cleared of debris and information copies on September 15, 1975 by Milton Klingel. As of February 3, 1988 this land was owned by Harry Radel, et al. - Gatschall Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None found. .001 Acre.
At Waldo-Fulton-Chesterville Road (CR 25) and SR 746. No stones. - Geiser Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None found. .001 Acre.
In village of Westfield, at Prospect-Mt. Vernon Road (CR 21) and Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156). Just west of Township Hall where there are two trailers owned by Mrs. Long. No stones. - Jarvis Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None found. .05 Acre.
At Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156) and Bishop Road (TR 157) on west side of road. .5 mile south of Westfield. No stones. - Mound or Foust Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.4492274 and Longitude -82.9626837 Listed as Mounds. [No acreage listed but there are six pages of inscriptions.]
On Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156) between Prospect-Mt. Vernon Road (CR 21) and Waldo-Ashley Road (CR 153). Back long lane on west side of road. Copied 1948. Also copied by Richard and Margerite Davis while being attacked by mosquitos August 4, 1990.
This old cemetery can be found by going west on SR 42 out of Cardington. Then take CR 156, cross SR 746, go about .5 mile and it is on the right side of the road. It can’t be seen from the road. You have to go between the house and the garage and to about .25 mile back across the pasture to the cemetery. The name “Mound Cemetery” was given it long ago because it is situated on a fairly steep knoll near Whetstone Creek, supposed to be an old Indian Mound. - Peak Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.4381163 and Longitude -83.0104634 .8 Acre.
On west side of Claypool Road (CR 146) at or near Waldo-Westfield Road (TR 158), one mile north of where CR 146 crosses East Fork of the Whetstone River. Copied by Marguerite Davis in 1991.
Take SR 42 southwest out of Cardington to CR 156, veer right onto 156 and go into Westfield center. Go west on CR 21 to CR 146. Turn north on 146 and go about .25 mile to cemetery on left. - Petty Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None found. .56 Acre.
Prospect-Mt. Vernon Road (CR 21) and Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156) in Westfield. Along stream just northwest of Westfield M.E. Cemetery. No stones. - Shawtown Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.4847827 and Longitude -82.9610172 .8 Acre.
Located in the northernmost part of Westfield Twp. in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Beatty Road (CR 149) and SR 746. This cemetery most likely started as a family graveyard for John Shaw’s family. It is abot .5 mile south of the old “Indian Line”, where the south end of the north-south boundary line between Marion and Morrow counties touches this Indian Line. The cemetery is about .25 mile west of Shaw Creek, about 1.5 miles north of where it empties into the Whetstone or East Branch of the Olentangy River. Copied by Winton and Delores Arnold October 6, 1990. - Waddles Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: None found.
Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156) and Bishop Road (TR 157) about .5 mile south of Westfield. No stones. - Westfield Baptist Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.4403386 and Longitude -82.9690728 1.79 Acres. Listed as “Baptist Cemetery”.
On Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156) at Westfield-Fulton Road (CR 159) one mile north of cross road at Westfield. Copied in 1948 and again by George Morgan in 1991. - Westfield Methodist Episcopal (M.E.) Cemetery [Variant Name: Westfield Township Cemetery]
GPS Coordinates: Latitude 40.4342275 and Longitude -82.9801843 .3 Acre.
Just northeast of the intersection of Delaware-Cardington Road (CR 156) and Prospect-Mt. Vernon Road (CR 21)in the village of Westfield. Copied 1991 by George and Velva Morgan.