Our telephone number: 419-947-5866 Ext. 5
Our physical address: 35 East High Street, Mount Gilead, OH 43338
Our mailing address: P. O. Box 401, Mount Gilead, OH 43338
Our E-Mail address is: inquiry@morrowcountygenealogy.org
US GenWeb Project County Coordinator: Ann Artrip (morrowco.gen.society@gmail.com)
If you would like to contact our Chapter President, Dan Rhodebeck, his E-Mail address is dan@morrowcountygenealogy.org
If you would like to contact our Tuesday volunteer, Janet Rhodebeck, her E-Mail address is janet@morrowcountygenealogy.org
If you would like to contact our Wednesday volunteer, Donna Ufferman, her E-Mail address is donna@morrowcountygenealogy.org
Below is a form to complete if you are looking for specific information. One of our volunteers will investigate and get back to you as soon as possible.