Moonstalker, The Adventures of Gen. Sherman’s Drummer Boy by Richard I. Hawk
Ohio’s Black Soldiers who served in the Civil War by Eric Eugene Johnson
The War of 1812 by Don Naro
Fayette County (PA) Militia on the Ohio Frontier, War of 1812; by Robert C. Gettys
Illustrated History of the Third Reich by Alex Hook
Images of Civil War by Mort Kunstler and James M. McPherson
French and Indian War Notices Abstracted from Colonial Newspapers Vol. 1, 1754-1755 by Armand Francis Lucier
Pearl Harbor: The Day of Infany, An Illustrated History By Dan Van Der Vat, Introduction by Sen. John McCain, Painting by Tom Freeman
Our Call To Arms – Attack on Pearl Harbor by Hugh Sidney
Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial by Richard A. Wisniewski
Viet Nam – Visual Encyclopedia by Philip
World War II – Posters by G.H. Gregory
Kristoffersen: Nor Shall Your Glory Be Forgot by Brian C. Pohanka.
Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors compiled by Mary Louise Marshall Hutton
War of 1812 – Fort Morrow and Block Houses by Carroll Neidhardt
Personal War Sketches, presented to James St. John Post No. 82, Cardington, Ohio
Ohio 1883 Military Pensioners: Updated Index of Northwest Ohio by Summit Co. Chapter. In memory of Lewis Caskey.
Revolutionary War: 1776 by David McCullough
Pierce’s Register, Report of DAR Records by Gen. Pub.
Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan Vol. 1, 2
The Life of Andrew Jackson By Bancroft
New York Colonial Muster Rolls 1664-1775 Vol. 1 & 2
The Pension List 1820 Indexed by Gen. Publishing
American Prisoners of War Held at Halifax during the War of 1812 Vols. 1 & 2 by Harrison Scott Baker II and Society of the War of 1812
Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812 by Adjuant General of Ohio
Ohio in the Rainbow, 42nd Infantry Division donated by Ramona Littell
Sacrifice at Chickamauga by Bryan P. Weaver with H. L. Fenner
Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Ohio 1929 by Henderson, 2 books
Soldiers of American Revolution who lived in Ohio (3) Books
Ohio In The War, Vol. 2 by Whitelaw Reid (20) books
Draper Collection Vol. 6
Richland County, Ohio Civil War Veterans by Richland Chapter
Roster 96th Reg’t O.V.I. Souvenir Edition by Robt. Bartlett
War of 1812
Civil War: Shadow of Shiloh – Major General Lew Wallace in the Civil War, donated in memory of Anna Laura Rheinbolt
Civil War Heroes of the 45th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry Buried in Andersonville by Terry and Ginny Manning
Civil War: The Long Road to Gettysburg by Jim Murphy
Civil War: A Civil War Treasure of Tales and Legends and forklore by B.B. Botkin
Civil War: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Civil War by William Davis
Civil War: An Illustrated History of the Civil War by Time Books
Civil War: Phantom army of the Civil War and Other Southern Ghost Stories By Frank Spaeth
Civil War, The battlefield Guide of the Civil War by Frances H. Kennedy
Civil War, The Civil War by John Sutherland and Diane Canwell
Atwater List, Prisoners who Died at Andersonville Prison, Georgia
Roster of Ohio Soldiers Vols. 1 – 12
Ohio Soldiers in the War with Spain 1898 and 1899 by Willis, Hilderant and Hough 1916
Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Vol. 1 – 23
Society of Colonial Wars (2) Volumes: 1899-1902, 1903-1906
Seventh Regiment O.V.I. 1861-1864
The American Ten Year War 1855-1865 by Snider
The Constitution of the United States of America
SAR Magazines
U.S. Army Military History Research Collection #14 by Joyce Eakins
Military Service Records by National Archives
How to Locate Anyone Who Is or Has Been In The Military by Johnson
Soldiers in Our Civil War by Leslie, 2 books
True Stories of Patriotism by Fallows
Roster 96th Reg’t O.V.I. Souvenir Edition
War of 1812 Vol. 11 by Lindley
The Second World War, Winston S. Churchhill and the Editors of Life, Vols. 1,2
Crawford County, Ohio Liberty Remembers Veterans and Servicemen/Women by Chapter
Crawford County, Ohio Honored and Remembers Veterans and Servicemen/Women by Chapter, 2 copies
The Civil War by New York Times
The Seebees of World War II by Castillo
The Complete History of World War II by Miller
Veteran’s Voices – World War II by Richard A. Jones II
Revolutionary Soldiers Graves located in Cuyahoga, Lorain and Medina Counties, Ohio by Western Reserve Chapter, DAR
Revolutionary War Records, Guide to Revolutionary War Records pertaining to Mennonites and other Pacifist Group in Southwestern Penn. and Maryland 1775-1800
Revolutionary War Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services by Clearfield Publishing
My Father Was A Soldier – The Real Daughters of the American Revolution by DAR
The Howitzer 1911 United States Corps. Of Cadets, Westpoint
Civil War, Timeline of the Civil War by John D. Wright
World War II, by H.P. Willmott, Robin Cross, and Charles Messenger
World War II Chronicles by John S. D. Eisenhower donated for Jane Miller