The Miami Indians of Indiana – A Persistent People 1654-1994 by Stewart Rafert
The American Frontier By Roger Barr
The BFI Companion To The Western By Edward Buscombe and Richard Schickel
Frederick Remington – Selected writings By Frank Oppel
Gold Rushes of North American – An Ilustrated History By Lionel Martinex
Living At The Edge By Michael F. Anderson
The Native Americans – The Indigenous People of North American By Colin F. Taylor and William C. Sturtevant
The Mishomis Book, The Voice of the Ojibway By Edward Benton-Banai
Ojibbwa Crafts and History By Carrie A. Lyford
The History of Company C Seventh Regiment, OVI by Thedore Wilder
They Stopped in Oberlin by William E. Bigglestone
How to Research “A Little Bit of Indian” by Reintjes
Indians of the Americas by National Geographic
Black Hawk War by John Alston Peterson
Mitakuye Oyasin (We Are All Related) by Ehanamani (Dr. A. C. Ross)
Crazy Horse and the Real Reason for the Battle of the Big Horn by Ehanamani
Mystery of Sacajawea (Indian Girl with Lewis and Clark) by Harold P. Howard
The Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Chichasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole) by Grant Foreman
Native American Tribe Shawnee by James H. Howard
Native American Biography: The Encyclopedia by Bruce E. Johansen and Donald A. Grinde Jr.
The Iroquois Rise to Ascendancy by John A. Millisor
Jim Thorpe and The Oorang Indians by Robert L. Whitman
The Native Tribes of Ohio by Helen Cox Tregillis
The Pool of Mah-ee-tah by Charles D. Mosher
Through Indian Eyes by Readers Digest
Everyday Life among the American Indians 1800-1900 by Candy Moulton
Family Records by Burke
Indians from New York in Wisconsin and Elsewhere Vol. 1 by Toni Jollay Prevost
Indians from New York in Ontario and Quebec, Canada Vol. 2 by Toni Jollay Provost
Indians from New York Vol. 3 by Toni Jollay Provost
Tecumseh by Allan W. Eckert
Children of the West Family Life on the Frontier By Cathy Luchetti
An Illustrated History by Turner Book
Native Americans of the Old West by Time Life Books
Touch the Earth compiled by T.C. McLuhan
Video (also listed below):The Great Indian Wars 1840-1890
The following five books have been donated by Betty Meier:
Aztec Ruins of New Mexico (no author)
Mesa Verde (no author)
Native American: Earl Morris and Southwestern archaeology by Florence C. Lister and Robert H. Lister
Spruce Tree House (no author)
The Indian County of Oklahoma (no author)
The Pool of Mah-ee-tah by Charles D Mosher