The purpose of “First Families of Morrow County” is to honor our pioneer ancestors who braved the wilderness to raise their families and their cabins.
While we are one of the youngest counties, we have the advantage of using the 1850 census, which affords the opportunity of locating our ancestral family members by name, rather than by just a mark on the census form. But since our ancestors settled in parts of the four counties which surrendered land to establish our present boundaries, we must search for the earliest possible arrival in those areas.
The date of December 31, 1850 is established as the latest date you can claim your ancestor to be one of the “First Families”, but you are encouraged to reach back to the very first. And as you may desire to become one of the “First Families of Ohio”, it is essential that our rules follow the O.G.S. rules as closely as possible.
Application forms, including rules are available on this website. Please print out and START DIGGING!