
Cemeteries by Township

Click on the Township name (one of the links in this box) to see a Township map, with cemetery locations marked, and a list of the cemeteries in that Township.

Other cemetery information can be found there as well. For instance: the size of the cemetery, exactly where it is located, when the inscriptions were copied (in most cases), and any other interesting tidbits of information that were available.

Looking for a Surname?

Tombstone inscriptions for all cemeteries in the county have been recorded and published in six books. The good news is that each volume has a surname index. The bad news is that the index covers all the surnames in that volume, in alphabetical order (not broken down by township or cemetery).

The sixteen townships are grouped as follows, with the link to the Surname Index for that volume:

If you find your Surname, and wish details of an entry, go to our page of  Lookup Volunteers TODO and send an e-mail request for a lookup to someone who has the applicable Tombstone Inscription book.
If you wish to purchase the book, go here TODO on our Genealogical Chapter Page for details on how to do that.

Morrow County Cemetery Locations by Township

Name of Cemetery Township in which it is located
(Unnamed) Perry
(Unnamed) Troy
Aldrich Westfield
Allington South Bloomfield
Alum Creek Friends Churchyard Peru
Armstrong Washington
Ashbury M. E. or Stiner’s Corner Lincoln
Auten Washington
Baggs North Bloomfield
Balwin or Baldwin Peru
Baptist see Westfield Baptist Westfield
Bethel Cardington
Bethel Chester
Biggs Harmony
Bingham Gilead
Blackbird M.E. Harmony Chapel Harmony
Blair North Fork — Owl Creek Baptist Franklin
Blaney Washington
Bloomfield South Bloomfield
Blooming Grove North Bloomfield
Bortner (Peace Reform) North Bloomfield
Bryn Zion Gilead
Buck Lincoln
Bufmer Perry
Cardington (see Glendale) Cardington
Center Corners Franklin
Center M. E. (or U.B.) Lincoln
Center, Old (see Old Center) Lincoln
Chester Baptist Chester
Chester Corners Chester
Chesterville M. E. Chester
Chesterville Presbyterian Chester
Coil (may be same as Kile) South Bloomfield
Colored, Old Kenney/Kinney Harmony
Congress Township Congress
Cooley Canaan
County Home Gilead
Courtright Bennington
Davenport or Devenport –
Pompey or Pompery
Dye Congress
Dye North Bloomfield
Earl Peru
Ebenezer Lincoln
Ebenezer M. E. North Bloomfield
Elliot or Elliott Harmony
Elliot or Elliott Westfield
Emery Lincoln
Fargo Methodist Episcopal Bennington
Fargo North, Butter, Vining Bennington
Farris (see Center Corners) Franklin
Forbes Washington
Foust Cardington
Foust (or Mound) Westfield
Franks Family Perry
Friends Church Quakerdom Gilead
Fulton Lincoln
Gardner Peru
Garverick North Bloomfield
Gatschall Westfield
Geiser Westfield
George Family & Kelly Family Franklin
Glendale (aka Cardington) Cardington
Goodrich Washington
Haldeman Troy
Harmony Chapel (aka Blackbird) Harmony
Harris South Bloomfield
Hassler Troy
Hedding M. E. South Bloomfield
Hershner Gilead
Hetrick Gilead
Hexite/Hexsite/Hicksite Gilead
Iberia (aka Wash. Twp.) Washington
Jarvis Westfield
Kelly Gilead
Kelly Family #2 Franklin
Keyes Cardington
Kile South Bloomfield
Kisling North Bloomfield
Lepp Canaan
Lineweaver South Bloomfield
Lucas Family Perry
Mann Cardington
Maple Grove Chester
Marengo Bennington
McClarren Washington
Merwine Congress
Methodist North Bloomfield
Morehouse or Moorehouse Peru
Moffit Reformed Presbyterian Congress
Montgomery Washington
Mosher (Mozier) Woodlawn Gilead
Mound (or Foust) Westfield
Mt. Tabor M. E. Congress
Needles South Bloomfield
North Canaan Canaan
North Woodbury Lutheran Perry
Owl Creek (see Blair) Franklin
Pagetown – Wilson Bennington
Parks Congress
Patton or Patten Canaan
Peace Reformed (UCC) see Bortner North Bloomfield
Peak Westfield
Petty Westfield
Pierce South Bloomfield
Pleasant Grove Congress
Pompery or Pompey (see Devenport/Davenport) Lincoln
Possum Hollow North Bloomfield
Poston Peru
Presbyterian Washington
Presbyterian Old Gilead
Pulaskiville (old and new) Franklin
Purvis Cardington
Ralston Harmony
Red Hill South Bloomfield
Rice Canaan
River Cliff Gilead
Rose Troy
Ross Troy
Serrick or Sorrick North Bloomfield
Shauck (Johnsville) Perry
Shawtown Westfield
Sherman Bennington
Singery Perry
Smith Family Bennington
South Canaan Canaan
South Woodbury M.E. Peru
Springdale Lincoln
St. Joseph’s Catholic Cardington
Stantontown-Whitehall Peru
Stilley Chester
Stiners Corners (see Ashbury M.E.) Lincoln
Stull Troy
Sunfish Gilead
Tuttle Washington
Union Gilead
United Brethern North Bloomfield
United Presbyterian North Bloomfield
United Presbyterian Washington
Vining see Fargo N. Bennington
Waddles Westfield
Walters Troy
Washington Township (aka Iberia) Washington
West Point Baptist Congress
Westfield Baptist Westfield
Westfield M. E. Westfield
Weston Friends Cardington
Whipple Peru
Whitehall see Stantontown Peru
Wilson see Pagetown Bennington
Woodlawn Cardington
Worden Canaan
Yankee Street (aka Pioneer) Presbyterian Franklin